C.R.D. (Contract Registration Department)

  1. In Contract and Registration Department each tutor is recognized according to his or number only. Otherwise C.R.D team will not follow the legal procedures or will not do the follow up with different departments of S.T.A.
  2. However if tutor will be under the procedure of C.R.D so they have to follow all the procedure of S.V.D. without excuses or false commitments. If they will do the same then their registration will be cancelled and all remuneration processes will be stopped.
  3. C.R.D is having authorities to follow all legal procedures with help of associated lawyers of S.T.A.
  4. In verification process of Tutor C.R.D can further demand for original address proofs even copy of Tutors Academy Pvt Ltd contract.
  5. In case of disputes or termination C.R.D follows two ways to solve the dispute a undertaking process S.T.A.Non objection certificate.   In undertaking process tutors have to obligate the rules and regulations of S.V.D.This is a very important process of Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt Ltd in that tutors have to write a entire details with reasons why the particular contract has been broken as well as have to take signature of particular parents or coordinating manager E.D.M & Managing director of Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt Ltd. Its soft and hard copies will be sent to management.
  6. Reliability & vigilance procedure of Tutors: as per the signed contract tutors must reveal all the facts of contract cancellation in written format or must produce originality of their works with some proofs or recommended tutors letters or authorize legal paper works of reputable institutions. After producing them Reliability will be reviewed then C.R.D makes reliability authorization letter for particular tutor. Vigilance procedure is also a very important process of management where as management keeps track records or vigilance on tutors as per their given personal tuition time tables. If it finds the personal time table of tutors is false and not matching well then the entire remuneration processing will stop.
  7. Business ethics policy and validation of tutors. This is the step where as the tutors personal and impersonal information’s about contract cancellation are restored and their validation will be checked out even performance appraisal or incumbents behavior tutoring ingredients are reviewed and some amendments papers are signed there after entire documents are further rechecked given to authorize account department of Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt Ltd.
  8. Account departmental procedures of tutors: According to review decisions of contract and management account department is authorized to deduct or add the payment amount in tutor’s remuneration. Once contract cancellation and remuneration authorize letters are submitted to account department then they would not be further reviewed or will not be taken in C.R.D Department. After wards case will legally handled by appointed lawyers of Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt Ltd.
  9. Duration of C.R.D processes and closings :It depends case to case the time can be taken around 60 days if all the paperwork’s documentations and proofs letters are cleared otherwise time can't be predicted by management. Closings need all the departmental help so tutors must keep the cool calm behavior with all the departments.
  10. Document submission.
  11. Company cards submission.
  12. Send email applications to STA about your completed services at all places of contracted parents.
    (If a faculty is being terminated or stopped by though ROS process also in that condition the same procedure will be followed and will be completed by a faculty.)
  13. Parental E mail approval of services completed. Or confirmation of References as on names you have been selected by STA.
  14. Steps to be completed for final approval of payment:
    1. personal time table records.(send via mail by tr)
    2. verification done approval by S.V.M.
    3. approval bt registration and C.N.T department for payment.
    4. approval by T.N.L. department for payment.
    5. Final Payment approvals by S.C.M. of s.t.a.
  15. Contact timing and information’s about all these procedure are given below.
    1. Days: Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday
    2. Timing : 6 PM to 8 PM
  16. This procedure will be followed only by company at time of tuitions cancellation or service stopped by parents or when company has doubt on faculty positive performance or given false information about tuitions cancellations.

Tutors' Reference Index

  1. The teachers without fail must get their daily timetable card endorsed by the respective parents which would indicate the time of their visit, lessons completed and leaving time etc. no payment will be given to the teacher concerned if attendance cards are not fully endorsed by parents or confirmed by E.D.M before submission.
    1. In the event of loss of ID cards, attendance sheet /attendance cards, studies material, or text of students by a teacher the concerned, E.D.M should inform H.O immediately. If need be management can impose a penalty on teacher for their gross negligence.
    2. On line communication must be error free, effective to the point, easy to read .E.D.M must function as eyes and ears of management.
    3. A teacher while on contract will not be engaged in any marketing or canvassing activity other than STA.
    4. A teacher is not allowed to discuss the fee with student or about their remuneration part with the parents.
    5. V) The terms of contract will not be changed during the current academic year for any reason whatsoever.
  2. The teachers should not give corporal punishment, or shout at students, but function as emotional coaches and boost the morale of students by making learning more interesting.
  3. The teacher will be required to conduct regular tests, minimum twice in a month and for weak students once in a week. These test results must be submitted to the STA’S management through E.D.M along with teacher’s brief explanation.
  4. Once the teacher has signed the contract for a full term course/ part time course, he/ she cannot break the contract. If any teacher leaves without completing portion for the full academic year/ special sessions, the management shall take legal proceedings for damages suffered for non performance of duty
  5. Amount paid for the registration, profile presentation, banking charge and login id charges are non-refundable at any cost. Any additional expenses incurred by the management on behalf to teachers because of any emergency will be recovered/ adjusted from their deposits.
  6. The salary for the first ten visits will be retained by STA towards security deposit against the teacher concerned for each contract, which will be refunded after completion of contract.
  7. The teachers must read circulars, notices, information, articles, website, email etc for their regular updates. They must make themselves available for personal meetings when called by HRD.
Click to read the general terms & conditions for tutors