What is a Channel Partner?

I want to tell you one single fact that is very important for all business members. Kindly read properly, In life we strive hard to achieve our life goals and dreams but after some time we generally see that we are remaining at the same position why is it so? Because we don't have  excellent  support or you may say that you don't have best employees or effective tools , techniques, financial booms, advertising funds, margin pricing policy.

Your company is fighting consistently with market competitions. By keeping all things in mind ,we have started our channel partner association in 2014 .Our mission says us to provide help to all our effective and dynamic members who keeps the philosophy of great achievements and success.

CHANNEL PARTNER ASSOCIATION means "criteria of togetherness". Referents will provide references for best earning business. It is kind of a non-profitable business organization but committed towards best services in our global markets.

It would enhance the business of all associated channel partners without paying so much fund for advertising and  reduced the cost of advertising. C.P. would provide smooth advertising  platform to all its members.

Accordingly local advertising agencies dependency would be low and all members could enjoy the benefit of excellence networking business similarly like mouth to mouth publicity.

Benefits of Being a Channel Partner

  • We provide you advertisement of your class free of cost.
  • We find students for your class in your area within the range of 3 kilometers.
  • You can take up of Franchise opportunity.
  • The Channel Partner providing a faculty for our organization would be awarded with ₹ 500.
  • For every student that joins us, the Channel Partner would be paid 10 percent as commission.
  • You get a free counseling for ONE academic year.

Channel Partner Categorization (All Over India)

Coaching Class/Tutorials
Creative Classes (Music, Dance, and Acting)
Home Tutors
Online Tuition
Competitive Class
Special Schools and LD Centre

Channel Partner Zones of Working

  • Coverage to all the locations in Mumbai
  • Coverage to locations out of Mumbai like Kolkata, New Delhi, and so on

Syntax Home Tutor's Channel Partner Policy

  • Channel Partner Manager (CPM) can appoint Channel Partner for Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd.
  • Channel Partner Manager (CPM) can themselves become a Channel Partner of Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd.
  • The Channel Partner (CP) can be any recruitment agency for getting tutors registered into Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd.
  • Channel Partner Manager (CPM) can themselves register a tutor online for Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd.
  • A Channel Partner Manager can effectively participate in each meeting of Channel Partner held by Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd.
  • More than one Channel Partner Managers (CPMs) can come together to form a group.
  • Channel Partner Manager (CPM) gets the benefit of free advertisement for their brand from Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd.
  • The Channel Partner Manager (CPM) will be awarded by Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd. from time-to-time
  • The Channel Partner Managers (CPMs) can receive a gift voucher every month for achieving their targets.
  • The Channel Partner Manager (CPM) may be designated by Syntax Tutors Academy Pvt. Ltd. as Head Channel Partner Manager (HCPM)

  1. A.C.P =Associated channel partner /firm/person (who or new one joins the association).
  2. B.L.P = Business lead provider (Who provides the customer leads).
  3. C.P.M= Channel partner manager (Who manages the customers).
  4. C.P.A = Channel partner association firm (This is company name who manage the all members).
  5. Lead = customers.


  •  Channel Partner
  •  Benefits
  •  Categorization
  •  Working Zone
  •  Channel Partner Policy