• I was very happy with the test results. Made me feel good that I have already chosen the field suggested by Syntax Tutors Academy !! Thanks a lot !!

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    • Ganesh
    • Student
  • Its very helpful to the students who are very confused about their career. i was very confused about my career. I thought marks are essential but the fact is that we really need to know our talent.

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    • Karthick
    • Student
  • When I first heard about syntaxedu.in i was very excited to try it out and as i have done so, it was a wonderful experience as it told me what is the best for me and that is exactly what I needed as I did not want to follow what my dad wanted, I wanted to make my own decisions and live it ,but I was confused between the huge career options available, then came in syntaxedu.in and it helped me with decided what is best for me, finally I am very happy with my results, the site is a great one and giving tests here will surely be the best decision a confused person can take, kudos to syntaxedu.in

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    • Sachin
    • Student
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  • I was very happy with the test results. Made me feel good that I have already chosen the field suggested by syntax tutors academy !! Thanks a lot !!

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    • Ganesh
    • Student
  • When I first heard about syntaxedu.in i was very excited to try it out and as i have done so, it was a wonderful experience as it told me what is the best for me and that is exactly what I needed as I did not want to follow what my dad wanted, I wanted to make my own decisions and live it ,but I was confused between the huge career options available, then came in syntaxedu.in and it helped me with decided what is best for me, finally I am very happy with my results, the site is a great one and giving tests here will surely be the best decision a confused person can take, kudos to syntaxedu.in

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    • Sachin
    • Student
  • Its very helpful to the students who are very confused about their career. i was very confused about my career. I thought marks are essential but the fact is that we really need to know our talent.

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    • Karthik
    • Student
  • The experience was very educative, very detailed tests, lot of efforts have been made to gauge the personality of the participant. The tests were very good. They tried to reach every facet of the personality.

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    • Naaz
    • Student
  • Thanks for this wonderful experience. Most of the students who need this website don't know about it yet. Kindly advertise or market this website to a much greater extent. Over all an amazing experience. Thank you again.

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    • Santosh
    • Student
  • I enjoyed giving the syntaxedu.in test and I am quite happy with the result I got and appreciate all syntaxedu.in team for providing such facility for students which very helpful for our future career and future planning, thanking you so very much.

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    • Ritu
    • Student
  • It is a good experience while solving the problems. It just like an interview which I had face for to get job. I just want to recommend it to all people whom I know.

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    • Vikrant
    • Student
  • Syntax tutors academy has totally blew me away by the career options it gave me! Careers that I didn't think were meant for me turned out to be #1 recommendations! A big thank you to the people at syntax tutors academy for creating this AMAZING website!

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    • Amit
    • Student
  • I enjoyed the whole session. It was not at all stressful. I knew my potentials in a much better way. The easy instruction and practice before each test was excellent.

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    • Reshama
    • Student
  • I was quite confused about my career planning’s but I would like to thank the syntaxedu.in to help me in my planning’s and also for giving a good recommendation which I was actually interested in... Thanks Once Again to syntax tutors academy.!!!!

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    • Anirudh
    • Student
  • I saw my daughter first take this assessment. Then, I signed up for the assessment completely out of curiosity to check what field would be recommended for me. The result was simply amazing. It just confirmed that I have been in the wrong field for most of my career and what I am doing now is the right path. This reaffirms my belief that I am on the way to finally find my true calling. Thank you

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    • Ravindra
    • Parent
  • Every 12th std student should try his aptitude here before blindly following other's advice. Parent's too should give syntaxedu.in a try before admitting their wards to any course. syntaxedu.in is nice.

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    • Santosh
    • Student